What to Expect
There is parking across Church Street in the Building Dept. lot; from there you may enter the left-hand door into the historic Sanctuary. There is ample parking also in the church lot near the Parish Hall; from there you enter through the double doors into the hallway. The Sunday School wing and the office are to the right. To reach the Sanctuary, proceed up the short flight of steps to the upper hall and turn left. A small elevator is available next to the stairs.
Sunday School
Sunday school is held during the worship service. Children begin in the worship service with their parents and then are escorted to their class by teachers. The first Sunday of the month, the children remain in the worship service for Communion. There is also nursery care during the service. While there is no Sunday School during the summer months, there is a Children's church with bible-based activities.
Pick up a bulletin on your way into the Sanctuary. It includes the order of worship as well as notices about church activities and programs. There are both contemporary and traditional elements blended together. Music with the Praise Team, our Choir and special guests blend both traditional music and contemporary styles. Services typically last around one hour.
Our Worship Customs
The atmosphere in our Sanctuary prior to the beginning of the service is friendly and conversational. Music and a call to worship by the worship assistant signal the time of centering our hearts on our Lord. The congregation will sing a few songs/hymns; the words are projected on a screen; hymn numbers are noted should you prefer to refer to the hymnal. After a time of prayer, ushers will pass the offering plate. Financial gifts support WPC's programs and make it possible for WPC to be present in the mission field, spreading the Good News and aiding the poor. The first Sunday of each month the Deacon's offering takes place to provide direct aid to the needy in our congregation. The morning's Bible text will be read and the minister will interpret it through his sermon. The text is projected also; however, pew Bibles are available. The service closes with another song/hymn and the benediction.
Communion is typically offered the first Sunday of each month and is open to all individuals who profess faith in Jesus Christ. Any baptized child under the guidance of parents may also take communion. There is no need to be a member or take a special class to participate in communion.
After the service you may join others over coffee downstairs in the Parish Hall.
There is parking across Church Street in the Building Dept. lot; from there you may enter the left-hand door into the historic Sanctuary. There is ample parking also in the church lot near the Parish Hall; from there you enter through the double doors into the hallway. The Sunday School wing and the office are to the right. To reach the Sanctuary, proceed up the short flight of steps to the upper hall and turn left. A small elevator is available next to the stairs.
Sunday School
Sunday school is held during the worship service. Children begin in the worship service with their parents and then are escorted to their class by teachers. The first Sunday of the month, the children remain in the worship service for Communion. There is also nursery care during the service. While there is no Sunday School during the summer months, there is a Children's church with bible-based activities.
Pick up a bulletin on your way into the Sanctuary. It includes the order of worship as well as notices about church activities and programs. There are both contemporary and traditional elements blended together. Music with the Praise Team, our Choir and special guests blend both traditional music and contemporary styles. Services typically last around one hour.
Our Worship Customs
The atmosphere in our Sanctuary prior to the beginning of the service is friendly and conversational. Music and a call to worship by the worship assistant signal the time of centering our hearts on our Lord. The congregation will sing a few songs/hymns; the words are projected on a screen; hymn numbers are noted should you prefer to refer to the hymnal. After a time of prayer, ushers will pass the offering plate. Financial gifts support WPC's programs and make it possible for WPC to be present in the mission field, spreading the Good News and aiding the poor. The first Sunday of each month the Deacon's offering takes place to provide direct aid to the needy in our congregation. The morning's Bible text will be read and the minister will interpret it through his sermon. The text is projected also; however, pew Bibles are available. The service closes with another song/hymn and the benediction.
Communion is typically offered the first Sunday of each month and is open to all individuals who profess faith in Jesus Christ. Any baptized child under the guidance of parents may also take communion. There is no need to be a member or take a special class to participate in communion.
After the service you may join others over coffee downstairs in the Parish Hall.