Global Missions
CORAM DEO ASSOCIATION OF CHURCHES– Tom Johnson serves as director of Equipping Christian Leaders Among French-Speaking People Groups. Starting in N. America & the Caribbean, this role has been created in the hope that Christian leaders will be identified, equipped and deployed into the work of starting and strengthening churches for gospel work and mission.
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PRAY FOR Tom as he trains these Christian leaders in reaching French-speaking people groups and that they will become equipped to share the gospel with their communities.
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PRAY FOR Tom as he trains these Christian leaders in reaching French-speaking people groups and that they will become equipped to share the gospel with their communities.
FOR HIS CHILDREN (FHC) – ECUADOR – Founded in 1990, FHC is an evangelical Christian ministry that funds a residential care program for homeless children with special and normal needs. Their goal is to lovingly care for at-risk children until they can be reunited with their birth family or placed with an adoptive family. FHC will also remain the permanent home for some who are unable to be adopted.
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PRAY FOR these beautiful children that they can be reunited with their birth family or placed with a loving adoptive family.
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PRAY FOR these beautiful children that they can be reunited with their birth family or placed with a loving adoptive family.
SHALOM COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION - RWANDA, AFRICA - Shalom is a Christian ministry whose core purpose is to reconcile people groups through the love of Jesus Christ. They are able to reach people from communities in Rwanda and other nations through their 3 programs: Healing & Reconciliation, Community Development and Environmental Protection.
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PRAY FOR God’s love to continue to guide & enable Shalom to successfully impact these communities holistically.
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PRAY FOR God’s love to continue to guide & enable Shalom to successfully impact these communities holistically.
LOVE WITH ACTIONS (LWA) – RWANDA, AFRICA – Gilbert K. leads a ministry bringing Jesus’ love and healing to children with disabilities and their families. They help to create opportunities for their education and development by reducing challenges they face as victims of ignorance and poverty.
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PRAY FOR LWA to bring these children out of the shadows of rejection, shame, and neglect and into the light and nurture of God’s love.
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PRAY FOR LWA to bring these children out of the shadows of rejection, shame, and neglect and into the light and nurture of God’s love.
FRONTIERS – CENTRAL ASIA – These anonymous missionaries serve at a great personal risk. Their primary focus is Bible translation into local languages. They also help train new field workers who will share the Good News so that hearts and lives can be transformed by Christ in the most unreached places on earth.
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PRAY FOR guidance and protection during trips to Asia, and fruitful recruiting and mentoring of the next generation of Christians sharing about Jesus with Muslims.
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PRAY FOR guidance and protection during trips to Asia, and fruitful recruiting and mentoring of the next generation of Christians sharing about Jesus with Muslims.
CHRISTIAN MISSION TO GAZA - HANNA MASSAD – started in 1991, Pastor Hanna’s ministry in conjunction with the Gaza Baptist Church helps to support 900 refugee families both Christian and Muslim in Jordan and Gaza. They pray with the refugee families and help each one with as many needs as they can meet. Hanna speaks of how so many of these families are full of faith, faith when facing death, faith when all hope seems lost, faith when that’s all they have to hold on to – only God!
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PRAY FOR Hanna’s safety when traveling, and for the beautiful families that he ministers to.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – SAMARITAN’S PURSE – shoeboxes are filled with gifts for needy children around the world. Each box is an opportunity for a boy or girl to experience the love of God in a tangible way and hear the Gospel. Over 157 million children have heard the Good News of Jesus Christ through Operation Christmas Child!
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PRAY FOR God to prepare the hearts of the children who receive the shoebox gifts to respond to the message of Christ’s love.
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PRAY FOR God to prepare the hearts of the children who receive the shoebox gifts to respond to the message of Christ’s love.
LIBERIA MISSION OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL (LMO) – HENRY PEABODY – was forced to leave Liberia as a young man and spend 7 years in a Ghana refugee camp. Through God’s grace, he was able to come to the US and after many years knew that he wanted to help his native country. LMO, founded by Henry, is an international, Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing, providing assistance such as wells for safe drinking water, school buildings and discipleship to the underprivileged people of Liberia with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ.
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PRAY FOR Henry and the people of Liberia as he continues to bring the love of Jesus Christ to them with new well and school construction.
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PRAY FOR Henry and the people of Liberia as he continues to bring the love of Jesus Christ to them with new well and school construction.
THE APPLE OF GOD’S EYES – NEPAL -- since 2000, The Apple of God’s Eyes Program has been working on the rescue of girls from very poor families or on the streets who had been trafficked into sexual slavery. As time went by, their siblings who were found in death risk conditions were also rescued. With their vision of compassion & hope, today there are 4 homes with 160 children, scholarship programs and opportunities for these children to live in dignity, developing their talents, abilities and dreams.
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PRAY FOR the children who have not yet been rescued, that they will be found and shown the Love of God through hope and compassion.
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PRAY FOR the children who have not yet been rescued, that they will be found and shown the Love of God through hope and compassion.
COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL – members of WPC sponsor over 100 children living in poverty, especially in Rwanda, Haiti and Latin America.
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PRAY FOR this program to have a positive long-term impact on the development of children living in poverty globally.
PCUSA - EVANGELICAL CHURCH IN THE REPUBLIC OF NIGER (EERN) - Jim McGill is the facilitator for Water and Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) programs in Niger and S. Sudan. He is a strong participant in these rural areas and an effective advocate for the health of its people by ensuring sustainability for clean water and sanitation at both community and user levels.
Learn more @ [email protected]
PRAY FOR Jim to reach many communities with his WASH program, and while
95% of Nigerians are Muslim, that they would be open to the Gospel.