Serve Others
WPC takes very seriously Jesus’ commands to spread the Gospel and to feed the hungry, care for orphans, and in general to aid the marginalized. To that end, we earmark ten percent of offerings, all of the Christmas Eve offering, and the special Lenten collection to mission work. We pray regularly for our missionaries. A few of the missionaries we support, such as Intervarsity, focus on spreading the message. Most, however, include a practical help portion, such as educating handicapped children in Rwanda and supporting local Christian programs that help people working to escape addiction. WPC also encourages its members to donate their time to reflecting God’s love to all whom we encounter., individually and through group endeavors. For example, the Shepherd’s Pantry uses our facility each Monday. Many members support children worldwide through Compassion International. And over the years members have traveled to Ecuador, Rwanda, West Virginia, Maine, and Louisiana. This website offers information on the specific missions we support.
Training Opportunity with Hopeforce.